Read about some NHL jersey facts. What is the most popular number worn. What is the least popular. Would you wear #69?
What is your favorite jersey number to wear? I grew up wearing number 3 on my jersey when I played hockey and soccer. There was no rhyme or reason why I wore #3, I just picked that number at a very young age.
You might have a favorite number from a hockey player you follow? You could have adopted a favorite number from your mom, dad or sibling?
Below is a breakdown of the of the most popular and unpopular jersey numbers that NHL players wear.
The bar graph below is courtesy of @Peteyy34 from Reddit.
How many NHL players have worn each jersey number?

Most Popular NHL Jersey #
The most popular number in NHL History that has been worn is #21. The number has be worn by 515 NHL players.
Least Popular NHL Jersey #
The least popular number worn by an NHL player is #0. It has only be worn once and that was by Neil Sheehy of the Hartford Whalers in 1988.
Miscellaneous NHL Jersey number facts
NHL Jersey #69 has been worn twice in the NHL. The last time it was worn was by Andrew Dejardins in 2012.
NHL Jersey #9 is the number that has been retired the most times in the NHL. It has been retired 14 times by 12 franchises.
Unlucky #13, is not a popular selected number. It is on the low end around 125 times.