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NHL Trade Rumors Media Kit

NHL Trade Rumors is the go-to destination for hockey enthusiasts seeking the latest news, analysis, and rumors about player transactions in the National Hockey League. We provide in-depth coverage and expert insights to keep our audience informed and engaged about all the player movements around the league.

Our Audience

  • Reach: An average of 151,967 unique users and 245,885 page views per month (last 12 months)
  • Demographics: Predominantly male (80%), aged 18-44 (75%)
  • Interests: Passionate about the NHL, avidly follow trade news and rumors, actively engage with hockey-related content online

Social Media Presence

  • Facebook: 9,200 followers
  • Twitter: 13,888 followers
  • Threads: 1323 followers

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  • Guest Posts: Submit a high-quality, relevant guest post for $500 USD

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